I met some tramps as I hiked the tracks
With my campfire strapped to my donkey's back
I said "Boys, I'd love to stop and eat
But we might get jumped by Handsome Pete!"
When a hobo snuggling with his punks
Said "Don't you fret about that old skunk!
He scoots around and toots his horn
But he's a yellow coward, as sure as you're born!
He's all holster and no pistol
He's a small gypsy with a big crystal
He's the type of partner a hobo shuns;
He's a ten-spot wrapped around a roll of ones
He's a tough-talker and a sidestepper
He's a slow chalker, he's a smooth leper
He's all thunder and no rain
He's all whistle and no train
He's all chip and no shoulder
He's a mouth-breather and a hand-holder
At the Western Union he draws his pay
That his family sends him to stay away
He's got a bear's mouth and a bird's tail
He's all wind and no sail
He's all silo and no grain
He's all whistle and no train
He's all siren and no fire
He's a wool-puller and a wolf-crier
He learned to fib and falsify
When he was just a lie in his daddy's eye
He's all brass and no knuckles
When he shows pluck, he gets big chuckles
And in short time, he'll be in long pain
He's all whistle and no train
Yes he's all whistle and no train!"