Here's poppycock and tommyrot and hot-to-trot erotica
Here's Hottentot and polyglot and melting-pot exotica
Here's slogans in a broken tongue
And duggins to provoke the young
And therapeutic penguin dung imported from Antarctica
Here's hurdy-gurdy murderers and penny-dreadful tragedies
The bunk and mumbo-jumbo under my financial strategy
A shot of modern schadenfreude
To stimulate the adenoid
And fill your apathetic void with agitating gadgetry
Here's lotteries and slot machinеs for drudges' dreams to hinge upon
Hеre's crutches, creams, and panaceas for 'chondriacs to cringe upon
Here's endless alcoholidays
Deserving of a Rabelais
And needless dope the debauchées are slaking their syringe upon
Here's spirits of anomia to rouse you from your ennui
The tinsel-trinket picayunes defining whom you want to be
And once you know you've played the dupe
Your satiated grin will droop
And all your cash you can't recoup--I've packed it up and gone to sea
Aaah ha ha ha ha ha ha, ah ha ha ha ha ha ha
Aaah ha ha, ha ha ha, ah ha ha ha ha ha ha