Okay son, I've got a whole pile of squirrels here to skin, so why don't you make yourself useful and provide some entertainment?
I said "some entertainment!"
Ah, that's nice
I'm gonna take me a little jerk on the jug here...
And I'm gonna show you where the wheel hits the water when it comes to skinnin' squirrels
Will you take your mittens off when you play, boy?
Just take the squirrel up in your left hand, make sure your knife's good and sharp, and put a crosswise cut in the middle of his back, like so
Now I dig my fingers in and pull both ways
Just shuck 'im like an ear of corn
Send that jug of halo juice over this way again, hon
Boy, this moonshine is so clean, I can taste the feet of the gal who hoed the corn it was made from
Next, you cut off his front feet, then you cut off his head
Now where'd that head roll off to? I was gonna use his brains to make some hair tonic
Then all you gotta do is cut off his hind footies, and there's your squirrel skin
Now that my fingers is good and greasy, I think I'll play a song:
In West Virginia it ain't no sin
To kiss the necks of your next of kin
Raising daughters makes Mama frown
But she cheers right up when the sun goes down
Hey, hey, it's okay--it's the West Virginia way!
Now, I don't know, but I've been taught
That a child is chaste until he's caught
I cried "uncle" by the hidden stream
But in the holler, no one hears you scream
Hey, hey, it's okay--it's the West Virginia way!
Our family swam from a distant shore
We descend from kings, then descend some more
That's my baby, ain't he sweet?
He's got his father's eyes all over his feet
Hey, hey, it's okay--it's the West Virginia way!
I went to the privy, undid the flap
My sis crept in and sat on my lap
I got cozy and she said "Stop!
When I saw you there, I thought you was Pop!"
Hey, hey, it's okay--it's the West Virginia way!
Now, if you turn over the record, I'll tell you how to dress the meat