You never know what the last conversation
With someone be like
It could be something trivial like
"hey did you get milk? "
Of if you lucky something deep
Like: "I love you"
Sometimes you don't even say anything
You're just to busy or to angry
You never know that the last day is the last day
Until it comes
And isn't it crazy how we spend our lives
Making calls, getting calls
Sending texts
Screaming, laughing
Making every little decision
of your days and nights
Planing every bit of our existence
And then... all of the suddenly its gone
People are gone
And you don't have that second chance
To hug them, to kiss them
To tell them they mean so much
And you find yourself praying
Sending our words into avoid
Hoping that someone will get them on the other side
And you find that little bit of faith
That little hope that tells you that maybe
Maybe the last words
are the one you're saying now
And maybe... just maybe
Someone is listen to them
on a little place called