Well, all little girls want a dreamboat boy
Rich young pretty & tan
And all the little boys want a sweet little thing
Rich young pretty & tan
Don't you know it's a proven fact
We all want sex in a Caddilac
Once in front and twice in back
We want it to be like on TV
Rich young pretty & tan
Well, all of my friends can't wait to be
Rich young pretty & tan
Personally, I would hate to be
Rich young pretty & tan
You spend a fortune on your clothes
You dress up right so that no one knows
About that itch that comes and goes
Woe is he that wants to be
Rich young pretty & tan
East and west and north and south
Rich young pretty & tan
With pouting lips and open mouth
Rich young pretty and tan
Life's rewards can be so sweet
Unless you get too indiscreet
With what you pick up off the street
Why can't it be like on TV
Rich young pretty & tan