The House of Tudor, Henry
Supreme Head of the Church of England
Beheader of His wives
Excommunicated from the Catholic Church
Monastery reformation
Valuable mead-money sapped by the pope
Money for palaces demanded by Rome
Church of England
Who are these girls?
Bring me a son, suitable heir
Fruit of my loins, healthy and strong
Weaklings, no good
Protest, protest, protest, protest, protest, protest, protest, protest, protеst
Protest, protest, protest, protеst, protest, protest, protest, protest, protest
Protest, protest, protest, protest, protest, protest, protest, protest
Protest, protest, protest, protest, protest, protest, protest, protest
Severed from the Catholic Church
Severed from the Catholic Church
It's not me, it is you, barren womb
It's not me, it is you, equals doom
Birth burdens
Burdens your rule
Birth burdens
Burdens your rule
Birth burdens
Burdens your rule
Birth burdens
Burdens your rule
Birth burdens
Burdens your rule
Syphilitic, ulcerated, at death's door
Wracked with illness, festering greed, always more
Never learned that women aren't just baby-makers
Queuing up for execution