Summoned to present a baby to the font
Or that's what I told him
"Just a pinch" I said, but then I took so much more than that
What was she called?
"They named her Topsy, a true little lady," she said
"Middle is her name, a little marvel of a girl,"
Or that's what I told him
"They've asked for me again, to take a baby to the font,"
So I said
What was she called?
"Groove, they named her
A graceless child, the bottom of the barrel."
Butter's finished, all gone, 'cause I ate it. Ate thе lot
Why'd I have to finish all the butter? Scoffеd it down
What can I do about this pickle?
Maybe I can find a handy scapegoat, a fall guy
One who would eat all this lovely butter from our tun
I could blame a tiny little fly
Can this far-fetched tale really be true? Just a little fly?
There the bastard is, let's get him now
Lock the door, let's trap the butter thief
No escape for you, bedevilled fly
Come here so I can smash out your brain
The blasted creature has landed on my nose
You stay still, husband
I will hit you in the face
Here comes your smashed-out brain
Strike it while it's still on my nose
Strike it while it's still on my nose
Strike it while it's still on the end of my nose