Dog, dog
Hello friend
How are you?
You are shit!
You are bitch!
Put shit on bitch!
Put on, put shit!
This is otherword in english
This is putshitonthebitch (newword in english)
This is otherword in english
This is putshitonthebitch (newword in english)
This is otherword in english
This is putshitonthebitch (newword in english)
This is Someword in english
This is putshitonthebitch (newword in english)
Eat the shit!
Took the bitch!
I Love putshitonthebitch (new,newothersomeword in english!)
This is cool
This is me
This is cool
This is you
This is ... newotherSomeword in English!
chorus 2 times
Some, new, another
Anothernewothersomeword in english (Putshitonthebitch)