T gave my life, my soul and my confiansa.
You paid your me with false currency.
I gave you my times and my enseñansas.
Perdi the desires you are an inacalsa.
It(He,She) walks and say your aditas to them.
They are not vienvenidas in my heart.
It(He,She) walks and say your aditas to them.
That this very day swears not to listen to his(her,your) song.
Of his(her,your) cuentitos I am tired(tiring).
And of your life I do not want anything.
Already your songs do not seize theirs lack(mistake).
I do not support sos an incalsa.
Of your cuentitos I am tired(tiring).
And of your life I do not want nadaa!.
Already your songs do not seize theirs lack(mistake).
That I am on the verge of saying bastaaa!.