Your selfishness is horrid
And your beauty is queen
Puts the pain gut-wrenching
And the grass a sickly green
The troubles of youth
Have got your hair in a mess
And when you speak there's length in excess
About your storm and stress
Our love was never sacred
Kept me figuring out what to do
L-O-V-E, I hate you
There's blood on the frosting
When you cut the cake
The meaning lies much deeper
You're a big mistake
Let me count the ways
On the squirming centipede
You'll never find what you're looking for
With these insatiable needs
Your passion is a pesticide
The birds and bees are never in my trees
You'll never find what you're looking for
With these insatiable needs
The trouble of youth
Have got your hair in a mess
When you speak
There's length in excess
About your storm and stress