Heartmind LyricsHeart stops and starts each day
Giving itself away
Like a piece of candy on the sidewalk
It tastes the same, candy, crushed or not
Mind evicts heart for stealing its boots
Mind says, "You have no respect for property," and Heart says, "That's true"
At Turk and Taylor, Heart goes into seizure
Fumbling for meds at Pan's seder
That burnt spot where they had met
Old friends, doctors, teachers, all out on the street
Tucked under the city's tongue
Who will Hеart stumble over next, its childrеn?
Empty ketchup packets may inherit the city
Heart stops and starts, giving itself away
Heart stops and starts, giving itself away
Heart stops and starts, giving itself away
Heart stops and starts, giving itself away
Heart stops and starts, giving itself away
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