One Wiggle jumping, in the shoes of blue
One Wiggle jumping, now there is two!
Two Wiggles running, pick up your knees
Two Wiggles running, now there are three
Three Wiggles skipping, skipping on the floor
Three Wiggles skipping, now there are four
Four Wiggles hopping, makes you feel alive
Four Wiggles hopping, now there are five
Five Wiggles doo-wop singing, doo-wop while they click
Five Wiggles doo-wop, now there are six
Doo-wop, shoo-wah
Ba, ba-doobee-doobee
Doo-wop, shoo-wah
Ba-ba, doobee, doo-wah
Six Wiggles statues, but may we ask the question
"Six Wigglеs statues, but where is numbеr seven?"
Seven Wiggles marching, now that looks great
Seven Wiggles marching, now there are eight
Eight Wiggles dancing, everyone on track
Eight Wiggles dancing, give yourselves a clap