As I sing of man’s lost humanity
The spheres are rife with fear
The wand’ring souls of the highway now are gone
Sisters sing of remembrance dear
For there once was a time, when all did stand
And voices shook the night
I remember amorous vespers hand
Outspread on the cathedral strike
Oh I dreamed that I walked by the stadium where
I once seen the throne on stage
‘for my friends and my family and my nеxt of kin
Passed at the time of thе plague
There’s no strings, no choir, in my hour of need
To adorn thy faithful notes
No temple, no altar, no incense sweet
To denote thy faith in smoke
As I lonely reflect on time’s cool breeze
I revere my lover’s kiss
Since the days when we stormed the coast of Normandy
We ain’t seen nothin’ like this
For death and doom, slipped inside the seems
But there’s no glory to be wrought
Empire’s cradle to a graveyard-sleep
But temples stand f’ cent’ries untrod
As warfare expounds o’er hospital beds
Swiftly rings pandemics bell
As all anticipate what comes next
The wise men say no one can tell
And the siren sweetly sang, as the gold trumpet rang
And all prepare for the task
But the vile violent fangs, of death’s dark pangs
Will break all defense at last
Holy were the cities, and holy the life
Sanctified the path that’s trod
Holy were the deserts, where the outlaws roamed
Hallowed were the mountain tops
Yes on the mountains high, I shall be thy priest
Before my memories fade
On the how it used to be
Before the time of the plague