En Las Manos De Un Ángel
Today I am walking
Slowly and only with my heart
After flying so high
I went back to where everything started
But with the difference
Having lived a story with great passion
And although it happened a long time ago
It was worth it because I knew love
Today we live differently
I'm not afraid to love blindly
Laugh at the pain ..
Because In The Hands Of An Angel
I was able to climb until I touched the sun
With her she was in the air
Always happiness was in my heart
But one day he left
I did not get sad
I valued what I learned
In The Hands Of An Angel ..
Today we live differently
I'm not afraid to love blindly
Laugh at the pain ..
Because In The Hands Of An Angel
I was able to climb until I touched the sun
With her she was in the air
Always happiness was in my heart
But one day he left
I did not get sad
I valued what I learned
In The Hands Of An Angel ..
From an angel