" (Sigh) goodbye, my darling!
I believe this is the end
I will write this poem
To remember the meaning
Of every word you spoke. "
Night, my love
Come darken my life
Kill the light
Born in me!
Mistress moon
Hide all of my pain
Help the night
Fall in me!
Dearest moon
Show all of my grief
Help the night
Rise in me!
Spark of day
Come lighten my way
Bring me hope
Mighty sun
Show all that is true
Tell me my
Lover sun
Hide all I have dark
Make me now
The sun is burning my eyes
I feel so helpless, empty inside!
Alone in dreams so dark
I'm losing myself without you!
I feel so weak again
My hands are tired, trembling I am!
The night is ending soon
I'm cursing this second, this moment's doom!