Age a time?
Friends who had a dream
A dream tô sing, tô dance and if tô disclose
tô say tô the world what they think
Some laugh when they said tô this
Others judged tô be impossible
But they had not given up?
They had run brings it and had fought for what they
would want
And today?
Today we have a history and two ends?
Each one you its end
Each one has its destination
Each one has its history
Each one has seum way
One history, two ends
One life, two ways
Two people, a destination
One history and friends
One dream, two ways
One history thus
With two ends for me
I will choose its end
Decides enters the good and the evil
This is the way
This is its destination
One history, two ends
One life, two ways
Two people, a destination
One history and friends
One dream, two ways
One history thus
With two ends for me
It's your decision
After all is two ends tô choose
We goes tô sing?
And two final goes tô trace itself
One history, two ends
One life, two ways
Two people, a destination
One history and friends
One dream, two ways
One history thus
With two ends for me
One history, two ends
One life, two ways
Two people, a destination
One history and friends
One dream, two ways
One history thus
With two ends for me