Why,Why tell me whay I´ve lost my faith
Explain those tears in my eyes
I´m black , you´re white
Colours can start a fight
We´ve lost control on the life
An I can breath no more
The fan blows so cold
The night embraces so warm
Why should I care
Why should I die
Why should I take all this lies
Lies coming from one I love
Lies, that really could rip our heart
I have existed since the morning of the world , and I shall exist until
The last start fall from the night, although I have taken the form of
Caius Caligula, I´m all man as I am no man , so therefore I`m God
Who are the Gods?
Who are the Saints?
You can be evil pretending divine
Let me take you to ride
Take my hand , wake up man, drink my wine
feast your eyes
Share my soul
Join the Big Lie
Lead guitar : Fabricio Bruca
narration : Gustavo Camargo