Father of begin, of continuous instants
Descending of Himself, before of the origin
Reaching him to younder end
Everything yourself pertain are double;
On his Balance or Hatchet of Justice
The existent cosmology of Celestial Hierarchy
Among men, Gods and Demons
For search of essence of feelings;
Dry trees in moist swamps
Darkness mirrored through of light
The eternal conscience of the unconsciousness
Inconstant in the constant occult knowledge;
Propagating you frozen fire flaming
Of life alive of Death
And the Death killed in Life
Arise in nothing and everything;
In dubious true and reality
Errant for untruth and honest
Vibrating of principle chaos
No imaginable to mundanes souls;
Up in love and hate
Born the days and nights
At tomorrow that doesn't comes
Therefore the future is abstract;
The hot cold of the Cosmo
The disharmonic Harmony
Reflected the infinite level unity
On the atmospheres of the Vacuum.