Not total recall, nor absolute guilt
But nocturnal remission impossible along the off axis tilt
Sin degrades, rules perplex
Target dry patches on the cerebral cortex
Crashing into gray matter
Stories of queens and mad hatters
Lives lived in chaos and endless chatter
Rather than falling, stalling, crawling out
Surrendering dimensional three, calling down infinity
There is a measurable wave
Through unrecognizable change
Bring with it pain, rage and suffering
I will swim as far and as fast
To meet it, latching onto the crest
Taken away while being pushed forward
Up and over without a lifeline
Drag coefficients through this distension of time
Scrape away weathered glass
Burning purple heart and feathers
Take newfound wisdom for granted
Floating, at the same time planted
Feet first, firmly in the clouds
Diving down the light of
An eclipse fails to tarnish the crown
Fall for the meaning
Believe awake people are dreaming
About being trapped inside love
Do they adore the feeling
Identify with color and shapes
Or just like the sound of the word