The thought of giving up the race is out of the question
yet everyday i question a new question
not to mention
everyday another question left unanswered
and there’s confusion no solution
where’s the resolution
no resolution
but i’m making waves waves are making me
in this game you read my name
trying not to claim fame but fame is claiming me writing my own destiny
we need new writers
writers need new inspiration
our misfortune for too long has been the news sensation
tears stain the pain all over the world
Though you may have those days when you wanna
throw it all away
feel like you paid your dues but your dues are never done
you feel your falling behind on the wayside but it’s temporary
just remember he has a plan for us
Children need a support system yes they do
and i’ll keep saying the same til i see change in how
we do
do we know how
been inspired lifted higher centuries of dedication by our fathers
cannot be forgotten
let not our time and talent be wasted energy let not
the blood they shared for you and me
let’s build upon the rocks they built upon
let’s elevate we let’s celebrate we
the thought of giving up the race is out of the question
yet everyday i question a new question not to mention
still looking for an answer everyday