Viss Ir TieðI Tâ, Kâ Tu Vçlies Song Lyrics
Viss Ir TieðI Tâ, Kâ Tu Vçlies by Brainpool Tu esi vienîgâ, kas manu interesi neslâpç
un karstâs vasarâs, kâ auksta coca cola veldzç.
Var izklausîties mazliet jocîgi vai nepatiesi,
bet skrienot, skrienot un skrienot visu tâpat nesasniegsi.
Uz pasaules ir 5 miljardi tâdu kâ es,
bet es esmu viens.
Jâ, jâ, atzîstu - EGOISTS, mîïâ, bet vai tad tâds nav ikviens?
Kas bijis, tas bijis.
Es esmu atvçrts, kad gribi, tad nâc, kad gribi ej prom.
Nav ne vârtu, ne vârdu, jo viss ir tieði tâ, kâ Tu vçlies.
Everything Is Just As You Wish
You're the only one who doesn't stifle my interests
And in hot summers freshen me like cold coca-cola
It might sound a bit strange or untrue
But running, running and running you won't reach everything
There are 5 millions like me on the world
But I am ONE
Yeah, yeah, I admit I'm an egoist, my dear,
But isn't everyone like that
What has happened - has happened
I am open - you can come whenever you want
and go whenever you want
There are no gates, no words - everything is just as you wish.