Scene: "Laura Meets Anne Catherick"
(The women put on their cloaks and steal out into the night. They reach the boathouse at Blackwater pool)
She's not here!
Have faith! She will come
What's that?
Hush, be calm!
(She appears to them. Laura and Anne gaze in awe at each other)
I look at you and see myself
I look at you and see myself
So strange, and yet so true
I see my soul in you
Almost my living replica
It's true!
Our every move so similar
So much like you!
My face, but with years of strain
Your eyes reveal such pain
It's like I've known you all my life
At last, it's safe to hope again
Somehow you complete you
I know I can trust you
Here with you
I am safe at last
You were there
You were always there
Like your heart
Beats within my heart
And the truth
It can set us free
Now that we're together
We must help each other
(Suddenly gunshots are heard, and the strange sound of hunting horns)
I hear them coming!
They've come to lock me up
Don't let them catch me
Don't let them take me back!
(She starts to run, the women following her: "Anne! Please wait, Anne!")
(Sir Percival appears with servants)
The one in white!
She must not get away again!
(to Laura and Marian)
I thank you both
For having led me straight to her!
(Men try to capture her. Anne turns on Laura)
You have betrayed me!
You have set a trap here!
No, no, believe me!
Curse you, Lady Glyde!!
Take her back to the asylum!
(The men grab for her. She escapes)
(to Glyde)
You may lock me up forever
But I will set my secret free!
You can't stop me
Now I'll tell the world
What you did to me!
Shut up her mouth and her ugly lies!
(The men gag her)
Let her go!
Count Fosco, you've got to help us!
(Fosco goes to Anne. She struggles. He injects her with a sedative. She faints into the arms of the men, her captors)
I'm sorry. The woman was a danger to herself. I had no choice
It is the best way! I am a doctor
(Sir Percival and Fosco exit with Anne and the other men. The two women are left, shivering and afraid)
We are powerless
At the hands of these men!
(Marian puts her arms round her sister)
We will not be victims, Laura. We will right this wrong
(The two remain as the light fades and a thunderstorm rumbles somewhere in the distance)