Uwoz mamo roz
Komu córke dos
Nie daj ze ji za lada jekigo
Jej urody zol
Bo jej uroda
Jek bystra woda
Prawe licko jej sie zrunieniło
Jek pólno róza
Bo pólno róza
Roz do roku kście
Cianskoć temu syrcoziu mojemu
Chto kogo nie chce
A chto kogo chce
Na strónie stoi
Skorz go, Boze, ach mój Mocny Boze
Chto na mnie nastoi
Tell me, mother
To whom will you pass your daughter?
You should not give her to a random one;
Don't you let her beauty be wasted
Because her beauty
Is like a wild river
Her kindly face blushed
Like a field rose
Because a field rose
Blooms once a year
It's hard for my heart
To not be wanted by one
And the one who desires
Stands aside
Punish the one, God, oh my mighty God
Who wants to hurt me