房間還是亂糟糟 外套還丟在一角
fang jian hai shi luan zao zao wai tao hai diu zai yi jiao
The room’s a mess. the coat’s in the corner.
你搬走之後 我也沒改變多少
ni ban zou zhi hou wo ye mei gai bian duo shao
I haven’t changed much since you moved.
藏著關心的打擾 簡訊平靜的語調
cang zhe guan xin de da rao jian xun ping jing de yu diao
With a calm tone of concern, interruptions, newsletters,
你說還好 抱著枕頭也能睡著
ni shuo hai hao bao zhe zhen tou ye neng shui zhe
You said You could sleep with your pillow in your hand.
Oh 好像是我的錯
Oh hao xiang shi wo de cuo
Oh, it seems to be my fault.
再多一個擁抱 我不再放掉
zai duo yi ge yong bao wo bu zai fang diao
One more hug and I won’t let go.
難過夾帶陌生的感覺 有一些
nan guo ga dai mo sheng de gan jiao you yi xie
Sad entrapped with strange feelings, there are some
已模糊的鏡頭 拉不回 那從前
yi mo hu de jing tou la bu hui na cong qian
The blurry camera won’t go back to where it used to be.
明明不是下雨天 卻淋濕雙眼
ming ming bu shi xia yu tian que lin shi shuang yan
When it’s not raining but my eyes are wet
yu ni you guan de lei dian
The tears associated with you
又閃回到昨天的錯覺 有一些
you shan hui dao zuo tian de cuo jiao you yi xie
Back to yesterday’s illusion, there are some
你占據我世界 卻不在 身邊
ni zhan ju wo shi jie que bu zai shen bian
You took the world away from me.
我試著把抱歉 再說一遍
wo shi zhe ba bao qian zai shuo yi bian
I’m trying to say sorry again.
你 還是說了再見
ni hai shi shuo le zai jian
You said goodbye.
房間還是亂糟糟 外套還丟在一角
fang jian hai shi luan zao zao wai tao hai diu zai yi jiao
The room’s a mess. the coat’s in the corner.
你搬走之後 我也沒改變多少
ni ban zou zhi hou wo ye mei gai bian duo shao
I haven’t changed much since you moved.
藏著關心的打擾 簡訊平靜的語調
cang zhe guan xin de da rao jian xun ping jing de yu diao
With a calm tone of concern, interruptions, newsletters,
你說還好 抱著枕頭也能睡著
ni shuo hai hao bao zhe zhen tou ye neng shui zhe
You said You could sleep with your pillow in your hand.
Oh 好像是我的錯
Oh hao xiang shi wo de cuo
Oh, it seems to be my fault.
再多一個擁抱 我不再放掉
zai duo yi ge yong bao wo bu zai fang diao
One more hug and I won’t let go.
難過夾帶陌生的感覺 有一些
nan guo ga dai mo sheng de gan jiao you yi xie
Sad entrapped with strange feelings, there are some
已模糊的鏡頭 拉不回 那從前
yi mo hu de jing tou la bu hui na cong qian
The blurry camera won’t go back to where it used to be.
明明不是下雨天 卻淋濕雙眼
ming ming bu shi xia yu tian que lin shi shuang yan
When it’s not raining but my eyes are wet
yu ni you guan de lei dian
The tears associated with you
又閃回到昨天 的錯覺 有一些
you shan hui dao zuo tian de cuo jiao you yi xie
Back to yesterday’s illusion. There are some
你占據我世界 卻不在 身邊
ni zhan ju wo shi jie que bu zai shen bian
You took the world away from me.
我試著把抱歉 再說一遍
wo shi zhe ba bao qian zai shuo yi bian
I’m trying to say sorry again.
你 還是說了再見
ni hai shi shuo le zai jian
You said goodbye.
he ni de zhao pian hai liu zhe
I am still keeping your picture.
xiao zhong dai lei shi wo shu le
With tears in my eyes, I lost.
sheng xia qi quan de xuan ze
The option of remaining abstain
難過夾帶陌生的感覺 有一些
nan guo ga dai mo sheng de gan jiao you yi xie
Sad entrapped with strange feelings, there are some
已模糊的鏡頭 拉不回 那從前
yi mo hu de jing tou la bu hui na cong qian
The blurry camera won’t go back to where it used to be.
明明不是下雨天 卻淋濕雙眼
ming ming bu shi xia yu tian que lin shi shuang yan
When it’s not raining but my eyes are wet
yu ni you guan de lei dian
The tears associated with you
又閃回到昨天 的錯覺 有一些
you shan hui dao zuo tian de cuo jiao you yi xie
Back to yesterday’s illusion. There are some
你占據我世界 卻不在 身邊
ni zhan ju wo shi jie que bu zai shen bian
You took the world away from me.
我試著把抱歉 再說一遍
wo shi zhe ba bao qian zai shuo yi bian
I’m trying to say sorry again.
你 還是說了再見
ni hai shi shuo le zai jian
You said goodbye.