Musica de Darin del Genero: Dance Todos los artistas y cantantes de música de Dance son individuos talentosos y apasionados que dedican su vida a crear y compartir su arte con el mundo. Su música de Darin tiene el poder de emocionarnos, inspirarnos y conectarnos a un nivel profundo. En este blog LetrasFM, exploraremos el mundo de los artistas y cantantes de música del genero Dance, destacando su dedicación, creatividad y contribuciones a la cultura.
Los artistas y cantantes de música tienen la capacidad única de expresar sus emociones y experiencias a través de su voz y talento musical. A través de sus letras y melodías, nos llevan a un viaje emocional y nos permiten conectarnos con nuestras propias emociones.
Además de su talento musical, los artistas y cantantes son verdaderos profesionales en su campo. Trabajan arduamente para perfeccionar su técnica vocal,
I really thought i got it this time. I never knew a thing like this could end.
I guess I'm really back to nothing, to what they use to call square one.
(I'm starting all over)
Waking up alone again now. Staring at the phone and wondering how.
Reading all the letters once more, try to figure out how this could be...
(all over, so over)
But then there is that someone, wherever I'm turning she's there
Like no one, you take the pain away
Like the sun, lighting up my everyday
You are the sun, the only one
Like no one, you stay around for me
Like the sun, lighting up the way for me You are the sun, the only one, you are the sun
I know I really shouldn't do this. I really shouldn't make the same mistake...
(all over, we've been there)
I don't even wanna do it, it's just a way of keeping thoughts away.
(An easy solution)
It will always be that someone, where ever I'm turning she's there
You are the sun. The only one i turn to in need.
You are the sun. The only one i truly believe.