Reflexion LyricsChorus
You are light, You are love, You’re Holy
Singing alleluia
You are light, You are love, You’re Holy
Singing al-le-lu-ia Yeah Oh Yeah
Verse 1
Who may ascend to the hill of our God
Who may stand in His holy place
Those who have clean hands those with a pure heart
Verse 2
Your Word I have hid in my heart
That I might not sin against You Lord
Chorus (twice)
Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh O--oh
Cleanse me change me I need Your love
Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh)
Break me fill me Oh send me Lord
(Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh O - o - oh)
Chorus 2
You are light, You are love, You’re Holy
Singing al – le - lu - ia
You are light, You are love, You’re Holy
Singing al-le-lu-ia O-h O-h O-h Oh
You are Holy You are Holy
(Al – le – lu – ia) (Al – le – lu – ia)
You are Light You are Love You are Holy Holy
(Al – le – lu – ia)
You are Light You are Love You are Holy You are Holy
(Al – le – lu – ia) (Al –le – lu – ia)
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