One-two- mic check in my left and right
On your go
Song battle, calm shadows walk narrow
Trapped in a small barrel, raps in a long apparel, wrong channel
Seawater, peace upon ya, dream watcher
Seein' stars, tree bark markings from the green-eyed starship
The lone man on the planet has aliquot
Walking on the land of the suffocated astronauts
The gladiator in the Lancelot
Dancing in the parking lot, prancin' and romancin' in the camera shot
Big dog Sandlot, trip bombs, half the block
Jigsaw, the fist caught in activated trap locks
You cannot stab the mascot
The man laughed off, stabbed the abdomen and yelled "Jackpot!"
Wore the tore colors of the ascot
Per-form the hacksaw, earthworm had to crawl
Warn poor brothers in the Cold War summer
Ukraine babes play whores in Russia
Example of the wax told, actual in rap post
Mantle hassled factual lack of oats, backstroke
Artificial, not natural
Coffin ritual in South Africa with poisonous tarantulas
Boisterous animals, larger life egos, not my amigos
I love humble people