Hot lava comes down big monkey goes floatin'
On a boiler coming down like rain ("Oh yeah")
Hot lava cools down keeps travelin'
???? blowing over with a ball and chain
Hot lava are you always this ready to serve
But what the hell is this lust that you found
Got lava inside some (boner?) lost
It was nothing but the ??? underground
"(Be Healed, Be healed!)"
Hot lava, lava
"(Be Healed Be healed!)"
Big kick a mule piston burn...makes borderline
[Like Patty and the people in mind(?)] / Like Daddy and the people that fight
Big boiler make hot gray matter not ....
Borderlines the dragon pops at two at a time
"Be healed!"
Hot lava, lava
"Be Healed, Be Healed!"
Hot lava
Hot lava